About Us

We’re a group of Expats living in Costa Rica.  Originally from the U.S.A. and Canada, we aim to help out any tourist or new resident looking for information on the ways of life in Costa Rica.

Based in San Jose, we cover evergreen topics regarding living in Costa Rica and we try to cover news stories encompassing the entire country.  While we only have so many people who write for the site, we do strive to provide a “boots on the ground” reporting style and we hold nothing back and try not to glamorize anything.  Sure, you’ll hear about some struggles along the way, but we’d rather give you the 100% real, raw truths about living in Costa Rica rather than paint it as somewhere that’s near perfect.  Like any tropical paradise, there are certain downsides that exist.  However, overall, if you are a lover of natural life, beauty, and happy people, you’ll find that Costa Rica is a fantastic place to visit and reside.

Meet Our Team

Scott Simpson

Scott Simpson

A Wisconsin native who moved a total of 11 times while growing up in the United States, Scott took a family vacation to Costa Rica in 1995 and fell in love with the country.  So much so, that he sold his stake in the family business and moved his immediate family to Costa Rica just one year later.  Scott has since invested in real estate, operated a travel company, and fully immersed himself in the country.  He resides in Santa Ana, but maintains properties in Guanacaste which allow him to keep a pulse on Pacific Coast.

When he’s not updating this website with the latest information on Costa Rica, Scott enjoys golf, day trading, and cooking.

Feel free to reach out to Scott and tap his expertise on living and working in Costa Rica. He’s very hands-on and happy to help people fall in love with the country he calls home!

All opinions are our own, and like anything in life, your mileage may vary.

Pura vida,

Editorial Team